
Don sans beardI'm Don McCrea and I’m a robotic trading specialist and independent agent for RoboticReturns™. My previous company is Bus-Ed Partners, Inc., a private consulting firm that brings together higher education institutions and business to the mutual benefit of both. I most recently served as consultant in this regard with UC Berkeley’s College of Engineering and UCLA’s Anderson School of Management as Director of Custom Solutions for Executive Education Programs, as well as leading its corporate governance education programs.

I hold a Ph.D. in Executive Management from the Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management at Claremont Graduate University and an M.S. in Mathematics from the University of Michigan. I’m a member of the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics and the Association for Transpersonal Psychology.

I have over 20 years experience in executive education as faculty, administrator, and executive student. Prior to my work with UCLA, I was Director of Executive Education for the Merage School of Management at University of California, Irvine and Director of the Executive Degree Program at the Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management at ClaremontGraduateUniversity. I taught for five years in Pepperdine University’s Executive, Professional, and full-time MBA programs.

I have almost 30 years of experience with Fortune 100 computer companies (NCR Corporation, Unisys, Digital Equipment Corporation) and the Department of Defense as a systems designer, senior systems development manager, product manager, and senior marketing and sales manager. I’ve sold and marketed to global clients in industrial, consumer, and government markets and am a consultant to business on marketing and sales issues.

I can be reached at don@RoboticTradingExpert.com or +1 949-584-0917 or +1 415-300-0917.

~ Don McCrea, October 2014